Reducing avoidable cost and growing revenue starts with a high value provider network.

Trusted by customers and partners like…

WakeMed, a private, not-for-profit health system in North Carolina.
Carolina Outreach is a behavioral health provider group.
Monarch, a services organization serving clients with mental health and developmental disabilities.
Yelverton Enrichment Services (aka YES, Inc.) provides treatment and rehabilitative services for At-risk Children, Adolescents and/or Adults with Mental Health, I/DD, Substance Use and/or Physical Health disabilities.

Accelerating Access to the Right Care for Behavioral Health Patients

For health systems and payers, breaking the cycle of preventable ED/inpatient utilization, high readmissions, and avoidable bed days requires a new approach to partnering with the behavioral health community.

Our proven model for building and optimizing high quality behavioral health networks around your organization.

We’re enabling behavioral health providers across the country who are interested in forming a behavioral health network with their local health system or ACO.

Contact us now to explore the potential benefits for your organization.


Large Health System Behavioral Health Network Results

 The results of getting behavioral health patients to the right care at the right time speak for themselves.

Total Cost of Care Savings
Reduction in Avoidable Bed Days
Drop in Average Length of Stay (ALOS)
Drop in Behavioral Readmissions

What If Your ACO Had Real Time Knowledge of Your Patients Who Are Driving Costs… And Could Intervene Now?

Actually, you already do. Referrals are a perfect indicator of declining health and increasing costs. If you have an appropriate response to every referral, you save money and achieve a better outcome.

With Infina’s Intelligent Care Coordinator (ICC), primary care can guide patient referrals to high performing providers, ensure that relevant clinical information is shared, maintain visibility into the ongoing status, and collaborate on care.

Do you know where your patients are?

Large Metropolitan Area Physician Led ACO

Our solution enables our customers to succeed on population health contracts, grow their business, and minimize downside risk.

3 Year’s Savings on Commercial Contracts
Patient Referrals In Network
Medical Cost Advantage

“Infina Connect’s Intelligent Care Coordinator is the most important tool that we use. It has been instrumental in our ACO’s ability to achieve over $80 million in total savings in the last 3 years.”

Ray Coppedge, Executive Director, Key Physicians IPA


An ACO Success Story:
The Path to Market



How to Prepare for
Risk Based Contracts



Risk, Reward, Referrals in Accountable Care News


Partner with the high value providers in your community for the fastest results. We can help.